For men. Presumably, no one will dispute this criterion of real men. A mountain of muscles or an elegant and powerful man can hide under the image.
Gallantry consists of the manner of dressing and the right set of motivations.
This is said for the introduction and now to the case or different skills to achieve the desired effect.
What can I say about an individual who does not observe elegance in details. The jacket is too small for him or, on the contrary, too big.
For men this is not enough!
Clothes should fit like a glove and make you feel 100% elegant. Also, you’ve heard of the three-button rule.
Representatives of the fair sex always pay attention to men’s shoes, clothes and accessories.
Do you want to be pleasant, even in small things? Seriously, there is no trifle. Your image is made up of the whole. In order to achieve this without any particular loss of time,
it is necessary to follow the order of the reconciliation processes of various cases.
Learn how to iron without an iron. Take care of leather shoes and many other useful things. Let’s start by saying that tie size matters.
Clothes and neck tie for men.
An essential element of a business person’s wardrobe. Not only colors, styles, but also sizes change over time.
In the seventies, ties with a width of 13 cm were worn. However, neckties with a width of 7-9 cm and narrower are now in fashion.
There is always a general rule that determines the optimal width of a tie based on the individual characteristics of the figure.
The width of the tie should match the lapels of the shirt. The narrower the shoulders, the narrower the lapels. Therefore, the tie should be narrow.
The wider the shoulders, the larger the lapels and the “wider scale” tie.
Men hate ironing.
Men figured out how to make the ironing process easier. By the way, the first electric real iron was patented by the American Henry Seeley in 1882.
Almost 60 years later, Edward Schreyer invented the steam iron. Laziness progresses, and today you can find interesting tips on the Internet.
A wrinkled shirt?
Throw it in the dryer with an ice cube and everything will be O.K.. There are also more radical ironing techniques.
Hang the shirt on a hanger and spray with a mixture of water and vinegar. The water and vinegar will soften the shirt and the crease will disappear.
True, there is a possibility that not one smell will help to get rid of the smell of vinegar.
Ha! But the shirt will be perfect!
Cosmetics for shoes.
Italian hygienist Paolo Mantegazza said: “Being honest and frank doesn’t mean showing your friends the dirt on your boots.”
There are many shoe care products on the market – cream, spray, talc. For protection against moisture, cleaning, etc.
If you don’t have any “ready-made” solution on hand, you can use olive oil. It perfectly cleans leather shoes and makes them shiny.
Another tip, if your new leather shoes are too rough, clean them with hand cream. Wearing them everyday will make them softer and more pleasant.
Did you know that bad smells freeze?
Put sweaty sneakers in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer for a couple of hours. Will be like new!
A new life for old krosen.
Old, dirty, but durable sneakers can be worn for more than one season. To make it a real event, you need to do small things:
1. Carefully clean the crowns with a toothbrush. Use a mixture of washing powder in water;
2. Even out the wear and tear with paint. We are talking about places of fabric
3. Dry until the crones are completely dry.
Remember a situation from life. If a woman looks at you and smiles, as if for no reason, you know there is a reason!
You’ve got your pants on! Before you go to meet her, check that your pants are buttoned.
This also applies to the zipper in jeans.
No one is safe from “naughty” zippers in jeans or pants. There is a way out of such oblivion.
Take the ring where you usually attach the keys and make it as you see in the photo.
New holes, in a new belt.
A belt is an important accessory for men. Many men approach the choice of a belt carefully and with taste.
Paying attention not only to color and style, but also to quality and brand.
I agree, it’s a shame to throw away a good leather belt if you HAVE lost weight. You can adjust it to the correct dimensions using a regular hole punch.
For men, the three-button rule.
It is clear that there are many nuances in choosing business clothes. In particular, the placement of buttons on clothing can be detrimental and, conversely, make you slyly irresistible.
The top button of the jacket or jacket can be buttoned. It is recommended to do it exceptionally, it would be – sometimes. Middle button – always. The bottom button – never.
Remember, if you’re only wearing a shirt, you shouldn’t unbutton more than two buttons (even in hot weather).
A “lost” sock is a man’s bane. You may not find it. If you find it, it will be from another pair. Hacking the “system” is possible.
Just always buy socks of the same brand and color. Then you can put on any socks you see without fear of walking around in different ones. That would be a bit of the sloth theory.
Roll up the sleeves.
In the officea dress code does not favor a man with rolled up sleeves. But sometimes, for example, to replace a flat tire, you need to roll up your sleeves.
To do it right:
1. Fold the sleeve just above the elbow.
2. Attach the button to the bracelet.
3. Roll up the rest of the sleeve.
This will prevent the sleeve from sliding and will not interfere.
I think you will find something useful from these tips.
Men think about women often.
It would be more correct to say, every sweet moment. I also attribute this to the grandiose flight of thoughts of men.
Therefore, I will judge directly from the judgments of the representatives of the strengths.
Men for women, quite risky, frankly, isn’t it?
It is known from ancient beliefs that the nature of a woman can be compared to the planet Venus. However, men are said to be from Mars.
Clearly, since we are all on Earth now, we have to survive somehow. My sity is no exception, where the most beautiful female representatives in Latvia can be found.
Men for women or happy conclusions.
1. Men don’t like it when women follow a diet. Only 14% of guys from my sity said that they are satisfied when a girl constantly monitors her weight.
The rest are convinced that it has an adverse effect on a woman’s mental state. And women’s desire to conform to highly variable beauty standards annoys them.
2. From the point of view of men, a compliment and attention given to a girl does not mean that the guy wants a relationship.
It can only be a common interest.
3. Men hate it when women act like children. Guys love balanced, serious, mysterious girls, not those who throw tantrums for no reason.
It has been found out what the majority of men hate.
If a woman uses a “ton” of makeup. Lightly accent the eyes or lips – PLEASE.
Applying five tonal layers, drawing big eyebrows, creating big lips – it looks vulgar and repulsive in men’s eyes.
It was found that 85% of men do not pay attention to their beloved’s excess weight, cellulite and stretch marks.In general, if anything, for your information!
Guys are annoyed by women’s complaints about a bad figure.
It is a fact that 87% of men would choose the former between a good sense of humor and a perfect figure.
After all, body composition is a very variable thing, and the ability to make a great joke, however, is forever.
My sity men do not like it when women gossip and gossip. We consider such girls of low value and do not want to establish a relationship with them.
Men love nature.
They believe that silicone breasts, “Botox” injections are only necessary if there are really critical defects in appearance.
It should be noted with regret that many girls spoil their natural beauty from an early age.
Men don’t like it when women look like girls of easy virtue. A mini skirt that symbolizes a light strip of clothes is unacceptable.
Plunging necklines, tight leggings, see-through dresses will not be supported. In the eyes of men, this is a sign that a girl is ready to jump on the neck of anyone who pays attention to her.
Guys do not understand the behavior of women in the dating stage. Girl games with ignoring or denying crushes on a guy. It is absolutely incomprehensible to any man.
Good day!