Home CURRENT AFFAIR Food and myths, that you don’t know about at the table

Food and myths, that you don’t know about at the table

Food and myths

Food and myths. All our lives we are haunted by myths about what we eat. We think brown eggs are healthier than white eggs. We think that honey should not be heated under any circumstances.

We do not believe that popcorn is not healthier than chips. However, it is clear that sooner or later it is worth understanding what is what.

Food and myths, brown and white eggs.

Why do we believe so strongly that brown eggs are healthier than white eggs?

Maybe because the price of such eggs is usually a little higher. The idea is simple, the higher the price, the higher the quality of the product. Most of us think so, but not in this case.

In fact, both brown and white eggs are almost equally delicious and healthy.

The increased price is explained by the fact that brown egg-laying hens need more energy and feed.

Brown eggs “ripen” in the hen’s body a little longer.Because during the formation of the shell, the egg goes through a “coloring” process.

A hen that lays white eggs simply does not have the genetic mechanism responsible for coloring the shell.

By the way, this does not affect the useful properties of the contents of the shell (egg).

Food and myths, white and brown sugar.

It is said that brown sugar is better than white sugar. Why? The main difference between these two types of sugar is the amount of molasses.

Food and mythsIt is usually removed during sugar production. There is very little molasses in white sugar – about 1%, while in brown sugar – 5-6%.

This is what gives brown sugar its color. Molasses also affects the physical properties of sugar. Brown sugar can interact differently with other foods.

That’s why recipes, especially for baked goods, often specify which type of sugar to prefer.

Can honey be heated?

We hear from everywhere that it is better not to heat honey, because it is dangerous to health in a hot state.

Fortunately, this is not entirely true. Honey does not become dangerous when heated, it simply loses its valuable properties for our organisms.

There are also nuances here: everything depends on the temperature.

For example, heating crystallized honey will make it liquid again.If the temperature does not exceed 95 °, honey does not lose its useful properties.

It should be remembered that prolonged heating of honey (for example, during baking in the oven) can contribute to the fact that it will lose not only its useful properties, but also its characteristic honey aroma.

Food and myths, popcorn.

We are used to the idea that popcorn is a tasty thing that is better not to use a lot.

But it’s important to remember that there’s a big difference between movie theater popcorn with lots of flavors and toppings and regular popcorn.

popcornWell, what can be easily cooked in a pan, with a little oil and salt. Homemade popcorn is even recommended as a light snack.

Popcorn is an excellent source of fiber and antioxidant polyphenols.

Frozen vegetables or fresh.

An assorted frozen vegetable mix is ​​incredibly convenient. However, we often pass them by in the supermarket.


Just keep the thought in mind. Frozen vegetables lack all their nutrients and valuable trace elements, in contrast to fresh vegetables.

But the reality is not so obvious. According to research, the nutritional value of frozen vegetables is the same as fresh, and sometimes even higher.

Myths, mold on food.

If you notice even a little mold on the food, you have to throw away the whole product. After all, the food is spoiled.

You should not be too harsh on this matter, because not all products are equally susceptible to mold. Sometimes an exception is allowed. Cut off the damaged piece and thus “save” the rest.

MythsFor example, in the case of hard cheese, it is enough to cut off the part affected by the mold. Add another centimeter and pack the cheese in clean paper or film.

The same goes for peppers and cabbage. However, yogurt, bread, cucumbers or peaches should be completely discarded.

Lemon is the best source of vitamin C.

Everyone knows this from childhood. However, it is not clear why lemon is considered the most optimal product.It is known that 100 g of lemon fruit contains only 53 mg of vitamin C (64% of our daily intake).

On the other hand, for example, in peppers it is as much as 77 mg, and in blackcurrants – 181 mg, so more. This is immediately 218% of the required daily value.

Worms in mushrooms.

There is an opinion that worms do not live in poisonous mushrooms, and accordingly, if a mushroom is a worm, it cannot be dangerous.

This is a big fallacy that you should forget as soon as possible. The facts are this: what is toxic to humans will not necessarily be toxic to caterpillars.

For example, you will never find worms in chanterelles, because these mushrooms contain a substance that is toxic to the larvae.

This substance is completely harmless to humans. Or vice versa: flies will happily lay their eggs in a fly ash or a toadstool.

But everyone knows that these mushrooms cannot be eaten. In a word, the “worminess” of a mushroom does not in any way guarantee its non-toxicity.

Myths, quail eggs.

Much healthier than chicken eggs, you say?

However, such a statement has its nuances. Quail eggs, unlike chicken eggs, contain more vitamin B12 and iron.

But on the other hand, chicken eggs contain much more valuable fats – omega-3 and omega-6.

quail eggsObjectively speaking, the difference between the nutritional value of quail and chicken eggs is not as big as we thought.

However, the prices for quail eggs are higher and their size is small – several quail eggs are like one chicken egg.


Can avocados be kept frozen? Absolutely – you can freeze it. The avocado will not lose its flavor. It can be perfectly stored in the freezer for several months.

This large berry can be frozen whole or peeled, pulped, mashed and mixed with lemon juice and placed in a container.

When frozen, the whole texture will change slightly, but the taste will remain the same.

Now very interesting!

Strange Table Habits.

 Choosing a dish from the menu.

• If you both went to a cafe for the first time, and your interlocutor didn’t even open the menu, making a standard order.

Then most likely you are dealing with a stubborn person who can’t stand innovations and experiments, preferring a stable and proven path.

 Choosing a dish• If your new acquaintance did open the menu, animatedly discussing each item with the waiter, then you are dealing with someone who is open to change and doesn’t give in to difficulties.

• Choosing a dish in favor of something spicy, or generally a love for a lot of pepper and garlic, is typical of gambling people who are ready to take risks.

They are the ones who can bet everything on red, and if they lose, they will shrug their shoulders and roll the dice again.

If your interlocutor often chooses meat or something sweet, there is a 90% chance that you are dealing with an extrovert who loves to be in company, to take everything from life and test his strength.

Such people tend to overeat, they find it difficult to cope with stress, their emotions are not stable.


Introverts, on the contrary, prefer something neutral – fruit salads, milkshakes, baked vegetables. Among them, there are many times more adherents of healthy eating, they are more responsible for their well-being and try to save resources, not wasting nerves on trifles.

 Finally, people who love to try something exotic are real adventurers!

It is difficult for them to live in a state of permanent boredom, they try to surround themselves with a noisy company, they are not afraid to put forward innovative ideas and defend a point of view that is different from others.

These are enthusiasts by nature.

We have analyzed the habits in choosing dishes. Now let’s move on to human behavior.

 Guest’s habits at the table.

• If your interlocutor is not used to prolonging the pleasure of eating, quickly devours the dish, although you are not in a hurry – in front of you is someone for whom productivity and quick problem solving are important.

He will not drag things out to the last minute, putting things off for a long time, therefore he is a good worker or a successful businessman.

Sometimes such people have problems with setting priorities, often do not think about themselves at all, wasting energy on caring for others.

The habit of mixing all the food on the plate into one big chaos, throwing in a third after the first, and eating something salty after the sweets reveals people who want to get everything from life at once, without bothering with details.

The strategy of systematically achieving success does not suit them, they want to grab a lucky star here and now.

The advantage of such behavior is that they know how to separate work and personal life, always finding time for those closest to them.


The habit of carefully separating all the components of a dish, maintaining an ideal harmony of color and taste on the plate reveals stable natures who are used to keeping everything under control and have organizational skills.

They can be slow in business, prefer to do everything meaningfully and with arrangement, but are reliable and decent, you can really rely on them.

These are not fortune hunters, rather hard workers and toilers.

If a person is in no hurry to finish a meal, makes you wait, and is the last one to finish, then you are dealing with the type of people who not only know how to enjoy the little things in life, but also put their interests above the interests of others.

They are not used to acting on orders, and have their own personal opinion on everything.

Finally, those who do not hide their emotions when eating (if it is tasty, they will smack their lips with gusto and squint their eyes, if it is not tasty.

They will grimace and pretend to suffer with their whole appearance) are individualists who do not adapt to others, do not hide their feelings and are not afraid to be themselves.

They rarely follow the crowd, but rather listen to their hearts.

What pizza and desserts can tell you,

If you went to a cafe for a small snack, ordered just a pizza or some dessert, you still have a chance to get information about a person. What habits should you pay attention to?

If your interlocutor ordered a pizza and started to rape it with a fork and knife, most likely, you are dealing with someone for whom good manners are not an empty phrase.

He is a supporter of formalism, ready to sacrifice the content for the sake of a beautiful external picture.

And such people are stable in habits, their behavior is easy to predict.

• Those who prefer to fold pizza in half are either very big neat freaks who do not want to get dirty, or creative people who can break the rules and invent something radically new.

• If your friend prefers to bite right from the edge, he loves to be the center of attention, lives for today, without bothering with the consequences of his actions.

Sometimes such people are overly emotional and make a drama out of nothing.

• The choice of dessert is also important and has its own patterns.

dessert For example, people who love to eat ice cream in the company of friends are very charming characters who prefer to always be the center of attention.

Cake lovers are great listeners, and you will find a lot of interesting stories in their stock.

And those who share Homer Simpson’s love for donuts are simple and straightforward guys in life, who easily adapt to changes, know their worth, but are ready to sacrifice something for the sake of a common goal.

Good Day!



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