Eye color

Eye color and depends and geographical location

Eye color distribution varies globally and depends on genetics and geographical location. Here's an approximate breakdown based on global statistics. 1. Brown Eyes (Most Common) •...
Stress action

Stress action and correct resolution without problems

Stress action. In the modern world, stress has become an everyday phenomenon. Scientific studies show that millions of people experience it periodically. I think...
Joy of work

Joy of work, how it is created in offices or in the office

Joy of work. At first it may seem that the article may not interest you at all. What joy is there, work and that's...

Depression and existential crisis, fatigue syndrome

Depression. According to observational data, about 18 percent of citizens suffer from feelings of depression and anxiety. About 80 percent of them do not...
meaning of life

The meaning of life, the energy of life, your code is calculable

The meaning of life. Do you see meaning in your life? Each new day is similar to the previous one, and fate seems gray...

Relationship, How to Navigate the Journey of Betrayal

Relationship, Understanding the Impact of Cheating. Cheating represents a significant breach of trust within a relationship, often leading to profound emotional consequences for both...
Creative Professional

Creative Professional, Big Master Time Management

Creative Professional. The Challenge of Long-Term Focus for Creative Minds. Professionals often encounter significant challenges when attempting to maintain long-term focus.Unlike routine tasks, which...

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